The District Co-operative Central Bank Ltd., Kurnool has established on 08.02.1919 and started its functioning. It is having jurisdiction of 894 villages, 54 Mandals in 99 Primary Agricultural Co-operative Credit Societies & 1 RFCS, 1 JFCS, 1FSCS with network of 23 Branches. It is providing loans for Agriculture Crop Loans, Investment Credit such as Dairy, Sheep, Minor Irrigation, Tractors, Poultry, Horticulture etc., to the farmers through PACS and directly from Branches in addition to it the Bank is providing different loaning products to farmer members through PACS and Directly from Bank Branches under ST Others i.e.. Rythu Nestham, Karshaka Jyothi etc.,

Kurnool Dccb

kurnool dccb ceo

Smt. N. Mourya

(On 28.06.2024 Hon’ble Collector Smt.
N. Mourya, Joint Collector, Kurnool was assumed Charge as Official PIC of Kurnool DCCB)


(Rs. in lakhs)

Sl.No Particulars 31.03.2013 31.03.2014 31.03.2015 31.03.2016 31.03.2017 31.03.2018 31.03.2019 31.03.2020
1 Share Capital 4515.99 5292.04 5661.97 7550.79 9144.22 11382.15 12935.30 14183.25
2 Reserves 2177.16 2184.20 2236.81 2352.25 2498.17 2635.47 2710.89 2735.38
3 Deposits 17109.25 22105.83 26538.89 36920.05 47706.63 50030.50 53342.02 60493.41
4 Borrowings 22356.91 29887.31 32063.18 45511.50 61101.99 75523.50 87876.82 92883.27
5 Investments 7389.21 7415.90 14875.77 15521.40 17146.24 13868.46 15617.83 15946.29
6 Loans & Advances 32809.98 44522.41 44547.87 67276.43 86219.89 104406.08 118280.87 128614.91
7 Recovery 87.00% 57.68% 86.02% 90.08% 87.00% 85.19%(Ongoing) 73.29% 79.84%
8 Profit (+)60.04 (+)229.54 (+)375.17 (+)405.56 (+)202.91 (+)338.20 5.34 18.25
9 Accumulated Losses (-)2692.00 (-)2462.46 (-)2087.29 (-)1681.73 (-)1478.82 (-)1263.44 (-)1258.10 (-)1239.85
10 CRAR 5.78 7.89 9.04 9.71% 9.61% 10.26% 10.52 10.50


(Rs. in Crores)

Year Share Capital Deposits Borrowings Lending Interest income earned
2008-09 32.74 132.17 107.74 200.22 37.67
2009-10 35.46 123.03 125.69 183.64 24.42
2010-11 37.80 134.81 142.28 218.19 22.06
2011-12 41.54 148.97 188.00 278.16 05.03
2012-13 45.15 171.09 223.56 328.09 30.39
2013-14 52.92 221.05 298.87 445.22 34.47
2014-15 56.62 265.39 320.63 445.47 59.93
2015-16 75.50 369.20 455.11 672.76 77.79
2016-17 91.44 477.07 611.01 862.19 103.94
2017-18 113.82 500.30 755.23 1044.06 103.62
2018-19 129.35 533.42 878.76 1182.80 109.34
2019-20 141.83 604.93 928.83 1286.14 129.69

(Rs. in lakhs)

Particulars Previous year 2017 Present year 2018 Increase percentage
Share capital 9144.22 11382.15 24.47%
Reserves 2498.17 2635.47 5.49%
Deposits 47706.63 50030.50 4.87%
Loans &Advances 95503.49 117026.81 22.53%
Loans O/s 86219.89 104406.08 21.09%
Total NPA 4279.42 5197.53
NPA % on Loans &Advances 4.96% 4.98%
Recoveries % 56.59 85.19 -1.61%
Present year profit/loss 434.23 338.20 -22.11%
Total loss 1478.82 1263.44