Types Of Deposits

Saving Deposit

Customers open a savings account at the bank and bank pays interest for that money. Bank offers saving
account with minimum balance of Rs.200/- (without cheque book) and balance of Rs.1500/-(with
cheque book) @3.5% per annum.


Current Deposit

Account which is always catering for frequent deposits and withdrawls by cheque. It attracts ZERO interest

Term Deposit

Fixed/Reinvestment plans. Maximum period : 10 years.

Recurring Deposit

(RD) Deposit to which installment is monthly paid. Maximum period:10 years

Deposit Rate Of Interest with effect from 24.07.2023


Sl.No.PeriodRate of Interest
115 Days to 29 Days4.004.00%
230 Days to 45 Days4.254.25%
346 Days to 90 Days4.754.75%
491 Days to 179 Days5.005.00%
5180 Days to 270 Days5.505.50%
6271 Days to 364 Days5.755.75%
71 Year and above7.007.25%
8Senior Citizen/60 years aboveAdditional 0.75%Additional 0.75%